Natural Steps for Lawrence
A Blog by SL's executive director Ralph Copleman and guests
Our former executive director, RalphCopleman, maintained a blog from December 2008 to May 2010. You can find an archive of those insightful thoughts at ralphcopleman.wordpress.com.
Ralph Copleman (1945-2011)
We are sad to report that Ralph Copleman, our former
Executive Director of Sustainable Lawrence, passed away
Thursday evening, January 6, 2011.
Copleman grasped earlier than most the potential for Lawrence Township's move toward a sustainable future. He was there in 2005 when our Community Conversation on the Greening of Lawrence Township gave birth to Sustainable Lawrence. He moderated and led the Sustainability Conference in 2006 that brought together stakeholders from all over Lawrence. And he pushed us all - students, citizens, government officials, business owners - to take positive, measurable steps toward a vision of Lawrence as an eco-municipality. His vision and leadership will guide us for many years to come as we continue to learn what it means to live sustainably in our community. We already miss you Ralph, but we still hear your wisdom.