OUR PURPOSE: To promote the adoption of sustainable practices throughout Lawrence Township, NJ.
More Videos:
Our Future, Our Challenge
April 16 at PDS, 9am-2:15pm
Hear from world-renowned speakers on energy policy, new energy
technology, sustainable food, and green building. Cost: $12 includes a delicious lunch and admission to all speakers and events. Pre-registration required.
Project Porchlight
We were recognized by Project Porchlight as a Change Leader for our volunteer involvement in 2010. Over 100 volunteers distributed more than 1500 free CFL light bulbs throughout town in three community “blitzes”.
Lawrence Township has won the Sustainable Jersey Leadership Award for 2010. The Leadership award recognizes one municipality that contributes most to the Sustainable Jersey program through demonstrated regional or statewide leadership. The award honors sustainability efforts that make the most of local resources through execeptional dedication and leadership.
NJ DOT Has Adopted a Complete Streets Policy
A complete streets policy ensures that transportation planners and engineers consistently design and operate the entire roadway with all users in mind - including bicyclists, public transportation vehicles and riders, and pedestrians of all ages and abilities.
LEARN MORE about complete streets below:
* National Complete Streets Coalition
* Complete Streets Fact Sheet
* New Jersey Complete Street Presentations
* NJ DOT Complete Street Policy
SWELL Neighbors
Tahirah Smith of Sustainable Lawrence
can help you and your neighbors
organize to save money, protect the environment,
build your community, and add to the quality of your life.
Tracking Our Progress In Community Sustainability
We now have quantifiable indicators to measure actual progress toward sustainability in Lawrence Township. Learn more...
Take the
5-Pack Pledge!
Five Commitments to Live Sustainably and Save Money. For your children, your community, your neighborhood, and your pocketbook!
Hazardous Waste & Used Electronics Recycling
Mar 26, 2011 - Jun 11, 2011 - Oct 1, 2011
Time: 8 a.m. -- 2 p.m. - rain or shine
Place: John T. Dempster Fire School on Bakers Basin/Lawrence Station Road in Lawrence Township. For more information, call 609-278-8086 or go to www.mcia-nj.com.
Used Electronic Recycling Only
May 25, 2011 - Nov 1, 2011
Time: 9 a.m. -- 2 p.m.
Place: Sun National Bank Center in Lot #1. For more information, call 609-278-8086 or go to www.mcia-nj.com.
Federal Tax Credits for Energy Efficiency
Updates as of Feb 10, 2010!
Learn more at energystar.gov
SUSAN CHARKES writes about nature in our region. Discover her poetic view of the outdoors and be inspired to visit the places she describes.
Check out the NEW VIDEO.
Join the Living Lawns Campaign today to help clean up your yard and neighborhood, protect your family and our local water resources, and save money.
Listen in to Colin Beaven, the No Impact Man whose family went off the grid and attempted to live in the middle of New York City with as little environmental impact as possible.
We will accept bicycle donations, recondition them, and then offer them for sale to area residents at modest prices. All proceeds will go toward supporting the after-school programming of the Boys & Girls Club of Trenton & Mercer County.
Sustainable Book List
Visit our list of suggested reading. Check out a copy at the Library, buy a used copy locally, or order online. If you have a book to recommend, let us know.
Action at one of Sustainable Lawrence's two rain barrel-outfitting events during our "Green Everything Days of Spring" (March 20-26). Here employees of the Delaware River Basin Commission in West Trenton prepare their own rain barrels on March 24. Sustainable Lawrence is tracking down further donations of rain barrels and can show you how to put one together and install it. You'll potentially save thousands of gallons of unnecessary runoff and assure a steady water source for your garden.
Following the principles of "The Natural Step" and working with the local community, Sustainable Lawrence aims to create an 'eco-municipality' in Lawrence Township, New Jersey.