Sites to Visit

Sites to Visit

Web Links

Each link connects you to another website whose content is not under the control of Sustainable Lawrence. The links have been provided as a resource for further research. If you have a link suggestion, please email us at with the link and a description.

Climate Change

  • Climate progress
    Up-to-date science on climate concerns with additional focus on climate issues as they out in our nation’s capital.
  • The Daily Climate
    Collects a wide range of climate change articles plus some original reporting, too.
  • Dot Earth
    NY Times climate reporter Andrew Revkin’s popular blog. Features more than climate issues.
  • Real Climate
    Where climate scientists go to get the latest; not necessarily for beginners.
  • Desmog Blog
    Bill McKibben says this is the best place to go load up on ways to counter Limbaugh-think-alike climate change deniers.
  • How to Talk to a Climate Skeptic
    A Grist special series of articles by Coby Beck that respond to the most common skeptical arguments on global warming.
  • It’s Getting Hot in Here
    Dispatches from the Youth Climate Movement
    Get informed… Interact… Take Action…
    To see what the other side thinks, brace yourself for Climate Depot. Did we remember to say brace yourself?

Clean Air-Water-Soil


    Quarterly magazine celebrating local, seasonal food of the Garden State
  • Slow Food USA and Slow Food Central NJ
    Slow Food is an idea, a way of living and a way of eating. It is a global, grassroots movement with thousands of members around the world that links the pleasure of food with a commitment to community and the environment.

Green Building

    • Meet the Green Builders
      NJN LogoLearn more about the innovative designers, builders and thinkers who are leading the green building movement here in New Jersey.
    • US Green Building Council (USGBC)
      Coalition of leaders from across the building industry working to promote buildings that are environmentally responsible, profitable, and healthy places to live and work.
    • Green Building Concepts
      Green Building Concepts supplies information exchange on a more resource and energy efficient lifestyle.
    • BuildingGreen Suite
      A subscription-based online resource for environmentally sensitive design and construction.
  • Green Building Resource Guide
    A database of over 600 green building materials and products selected specifically for their usefulness to the design and building professions, rather than merely their green material content.

Progressive Energy

  • RoofRay
    User-friendly tool to estimate the amount of solar energy you could generate from your roof. Uses Google maps to sketch your solar panel area as well as to figure out where you are in relation to the sun. Determine the solar potential of your roof.


  • Pay As You Throw
    This program creates a direct economic incentive to recycle more and to generate less waste.

Yahoo! GreenSustainability Portals

    • Sustainability Web Ring
      Allows users to navigate easily between websites that deal with the principles, policies, and best practices for sustainable development.
    • Raven Talk
      Raventalk is one couple’s effort to explore, inform and inspire all who share and work toward living harmoniously, sustainably and creatively on the Earth. The site has good material and is focused on sustainability.

Sustainability Research and Publications

    • Focuses on understanding the root causes of unsustainable behavior in complex systems to help restructure systems and shift mindsets that will help move human society toward sustainability.

Educational resources

    • Buy a Book – Build A Forest

      This partnership with the Arbor Day Foundation encourages used book sales by donating a portion of the transaction toward building a forest.
    • The mission of The Cloud Institute is to ensure the viability of sustainable communities by leveraging changes in K-12 school systems to prepare young people for the shift toward a sustainable future.
    • Helping higher education move from simple good intentions to strategic transformative action.
    • Develops young people’s capacity and commitment to create thriving, sustainable, and peaceful local and global communities.
  • Produce and Distribute educational programs, publications, white papers, websites and videos, all aimed at educating the public about the links between environmental toxins and human health.

Nonprofit Resources, Advocacy and Networking

    • Redefining Progress – Measuring Your Ecological Footprint
      The Ecological Footprint Quiz estimates the area of land and ocean required to support your consumption of food, goods, services, housing, and energy and assimilate your wastes. Presented by Redefining Progress, the nation’s leading public policy think tank dedicated to smart economics.
    • Genesis Farm
      A learning center for Earth studies focused on the connections between the health of our global commons of air, water, land and nature, and the health of our local communities and bioregions.
    • Building a powerful constituency of individuals who live consciously, buy wisely, and band together to make a difference.
  • Works through science and education to protect the diversity of nature and our quality of life, now and for the future. Goal: to achieve sustainability within a generation.

Commercial Sites

[No endorsement implied]

    • Real Goods
      Products for an ecologically sustainable future. The world’s largest and oldest provider of renewable energy products, environmental products, and other products and information for “sustainable living.”
    • Sun Farm Network
      If you are interested in generating your own solar electricity at your home, business, or another location, then Sun Farm Network can help you design, install and maintain solar panels for your site.

About the author

Ratna Wynn administrator

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