Help for Those with Lead Paint Issues

Help for Those with Lead Paint Issues

By Jori Fahrenfeld

Lead-based paint in residential buildings poses serious health risks, particularly for children who may ingest paint chips or inhale lead-contaminated dust. The New Jersey Lead Remediation and Abatement Program [LRAP] funded by a $180 million federal grant aims to address this issue by supporting the removal of these hazards for low- to moderate income households.

If you reside in a one to four family residential property constructed prior to 1978, you may be eligible to apply.

This includes households with incomes at or below 80% of the area median income for the county in which the municipality is located.

There are serious health complications which may occur, including irreversible brain damage, kidney/liver damage, nervous system damage and more.

There are some very particular requirements which are detailed on the website:

Can also contact the local Lead Assistance Agency for additional help: Isles, Inc. 609-341-4756, Peter Rose, email:

About the author

Dana Irlbacher administrator

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