Fall/Winter EE Measures

Fall/Winter EE Measures

Fall is the time to start think about maintenance of your heating and ventilation systems. Fall is also the time to address leaks that let out hot air and upgrade your weather-striping. Fall is the time we start turning on lights

According to the USDOE heating accounts over 40% of your home’s energy use. Add in hot water and thermal energy accounts for over 60% of your home’s energy. We spend about 5% of our annual energy on lighting.

See: NJBPU Clean Energy Program fall and winter energy saving tips 


Energy Tips:

No-cost/Low-cost EE measures 

  1. Plug up leaks reducing leaks can reduce your energy cost.  With some simple tools and low cost weatherstripping you can reduce your heating cost by 10%. You could have a contractor do these tasks also.
  2. Install and use a programable thermostat – lower your heating settings
  3. Change out bulbs to LEDs
  4. Hire an HVAC contractor to tune up your heating system
  5. Lower hot water use.
  6. Change your ceiling fan to go clockwise that help push down the heat – hot air rises.
  7. Install your hot water heater.
  8. Get an Energy Star cable box to lower your energy use.

Higher cost EE measure

  1. Contact your utility provider to see what cost savings programs are available. The link is here: https://www.njcleanenergy.com/transition

About the author

Ratna Wynn administrator

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