Energy Efficiency in the Kitchen

Energy Efficiency in the Kitchen

The kitchen is the heart of the home and can be the heart of your energy savings. Lighting accounts for 5% of a home’s electricity usage, refrigeration 3%, cooking 1% and dishwashers 1%.

No-cost energy efficiency tips

  1. Adjust the refrigerator thermostat to the right temperature – do not over cool/freeze.
  2. Use lids on pots and pans to boil or cook faster.
  3. Do not open the oven door unnecessarily.
  4. Defrost naturally 
  5. Use the microwave 
  6. Keep the refrigerator coils clean.
  7. Use your dishwasher with a full load and not overloaded.

Low-cost EE tips

  1. Buy the most energy efficient Energy Star rated appliance can save you energy.  See for a listing of the most efficient models.
  2. By replacing 5 bulbs with the same level of lighting LEDs you can save $75 each year and last 5 to 25 times longer.
  3. Replacing a 60 watt incandescent bulb with a 12 watt LED (same light level) will save you $5.50 a year and will last 25,000 hours compared to 1,000 for the incandescent bulb.   

About the author

Ratna Wynn

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