Category Archive Energy Efficiency

Energy Efficient Heating/Hot Water Systems

According to the USDOE, heating accounts for almost 50% of the average NJ home’s energy use.  Over 80% of home heating in NJ is with natural gas, 12% electric and the rest oil or propane.  A home’s hot water system accounts for almost 20% of the annual energy use. 

No-cost Energy Efficiency tips

  1. Lower your thermostat to 68o F while awake and lower when asleep or away.  You save between 1% to 3% for every 1 degree lower you set your thermostat.  This can save you up to 10% on your heating bill or about $80 per year. 
  2. Adjust your hot water heater to 120o F.
  3. Move obstacles away from vents and registers. Keep them clean.
  4. Run your ceiling fan counterclockwise to move the heat down from the ceil to the floor.
  5. Open the drapes during the day to let the sun heat in and close them at night to reduce the chill.

Low-cost Energy Efficiency tips 

  1. Perform routine annual maintenance on your heating system in the fall before winter use.
  2. Change the filter on your heating system and humidifier.  Change them when dirty or every 3 months.
  3. Buy and use a programmable thermostat 
  4. Seal up any drafts.  This could save you up to 20% on your heating bill or about $160 per year.
  5. Add insulation. 
  6. Replace an older inefficient heating system or hot water system with a new efficient system.

Energy Efficiency in the Spring and Summer

Spring is the time to start think about maintenance of your air conditioning and refrigeration systems. Spring is also t time to address leaks that let in hot air and upgrade your weather-striping. 

According to the USDOE air condition and refrigeration only account for 10% of your home’s energy use. However, it is the highest home energy cost. About 50% of your electric costs go to air conditioning, ventilation and refrigeration.   

See: NJBPU Clean Energy Program spring and summer energy saving tips

Energy Tips:

No-cost/Low-cost EE measures 

  1. Plug up leaks reducing leaks can reduce your energy cost.  With some simple tools and low cost weatherstripping you can reduce your air conditioning cost by 10%. You could have a contractor do these tasks also.
  2. Change you AC filter.
  3. Install and use a programable thermostat – raise your cooling settings. This can save you 3% on your annual cooling costs for each degree you set your thermostat.
  4. Hire an HVAC contractor to tune up your AC system – right size your system.
  5. Change your ceiling fan to go counter- clockwise that help push up the heat away – hot air rises and out.
  6. Use your bathroom fan – it takes more energy to cool air that has a high moisture content.
  7. Use a dehumidifier to lower the moisture content in your house.
  8. Lower your heat from lighting – LEDs are cooler than other bulbs.

Higher cost EE measure

  1. Hire a Home Performance with Energy Star contractor See 

Hire and HVAC contract to replace your heating system and hot water system before the cold weather comes in See