Category Archive Energy Efficiency

EE Measures for the Bathroom

These tips will not only save you energy but also save water. It takes a lot of energy to move water around from the reservoir to your house to the wastewater treatment facility. 

Water heating is the second largest use of energy in the home account for about 20% of your annual household energy use.

No cost EE tips

  1. Shut off the fan after it clear the condensation
  2. Use cold water when brushing your teeth and turn off the water 
  3. Take shorter showers
  4. Unplug devices not in use – reduce vampire or phantom loads

Low cost EE tips

  1. Repair leaky faucets 
  2. Switch out bulbs to LEDs
  3. Install a low flow shower head
  4. Add an aerator to the bathroom faucets
  5. Install a low flow toilet