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2018 Mercer Green Fest

The 12thAnnual Green Fair in our County!
(Formerly the Living Local Expo)

Rider University Student Recreation Center 2083 Lawrenceville Road, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648
Saturday, March 17th, 2018 11AM – 4PM

Dear Vendor
This is your confirmation as a vendor/exhibitor at the 2018 Mercer Green Fest on March 17th at Rider University. This event is indoors and so will go on rain or shine.

Set Up
• The Rider University Student Recreation Center will be open to vendors/exhibitors on March 17th from 9– 10:30 a.m.
• Please plan to be completely set up by 10:30 am since the Green Fest starts at 11:00am, but people often come early.
• See the attached diagram of the venue: note the large garage door at the southern end — accessed from the back parking lot.
• Vendors should come in through the garage door — right into the Student Recreation Center. We will have someone there to direct you. Immediately after unloading your vehicle it should be moved back into the parking lot so that others may unload after you.
• Parking is right next to the gym (see map below).
• Sign in and get your assigned table number at the reception table. Please note that table assignments will only be distributed “day of”. The map provided has a provisional layout and will most likely be slightly adjusted as a few vendor changes are still trickling in.
• Wi-Fi is available.
• You must bring everything that you need for your display! We will only provide a table and two chairs.
• If you asked for an electrical hookup, you have been positioned by a wall with an outlet – be sure to bring an extension cord!

Educating for Action
• Provide educational activities/hands on interactive projects! Whatever your message.
• Come with a Take Action suggestion/pledge. Each table will be given a Take Action sign to display.
• Offering incentives for people to Take Action creates excitement and enthusiasm.
• Your booth must be “staffed” at all times.

The Mercer Green Fest is a “green fair.” We are attempting to be zero waste. Please try to eliminate as much non-reusable packaging as possible. We will have Eco Waste stations for compostable, recyclables and trash. We ask that all vendors try to limit trash as much as possible and use appropriate waste containers. We also ask the following:

• No Styrofoam products.
• No single use plastic bags. We will be giving out reusable bags while supplies last.
• Please use environmentally-friendly packaging where possible. Ask the purchaser if they need the item bagged. Encourage use of the reusable bags.
• No plastic balloons
• Emphasize your sustainably practices, green products and services.
• The Mercer Green Fest encourages using a very limited amount of paper and handouts
Food Vendors
• No open food sampling — all food must be wrapped.
• All serving items should be compostable/recyclable. Again, compost and recycling stations will be on site.
• Please serve condiments in bulk instead of individual packages.

End of Day Breakdown
• Break down of your display after 4:00 pm
• Take all materials and trash with you.

Help us promote the Mercer Green Fest by posting on social media.