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Say No to Plastic Bags: Sign the petition from Greenpeace USA

Our oceans are choking on toxic plastic waste. As it slowly degrades, plastic becomes more dangerous — breaking down into smaller pieces that are eaten by birds, whales, and turtles, and other marine life. Plastic even finds their way into our food and water in the form of microplastic particles.

We have a choice to make: to continue consuming single-use, throwaway plastic at current rates and destroy our oceans, or to move towards reusable, sustainable alternatives.

Making that change starts where we shop every week: at our supermarkets. Our supermarkets sell countless quantities of excessive plastic waste, much of which is not recyclable: apples and bananas wrapped in plastic; plastic bottles packaged in plastic; individual muffins in plastic. We throw away this plastic in just a few minutes, yet it will last several human lifetimes.

Sign the petition right now — join us in telling supermarkets that as customers we’re sick and tired of throwaway plastic that causes irreversible damage to wildlife, and we demand sustainable packaging.