What NOT to Recycle in Your Curbside Buckets. Today’s Focus: PLASTIC BAGS

What NOT to Recycle in Your Curbside Buckets. Today’s Focus: PLASTIC BAGS

What? Don’t recycle plastic bags? But they’re plastic! Yes! And, there ARE lots of places where you can recycle plastic bags.

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Virtually all area grocery stores as well as Target, WalMart, JC Penney and Lowes have receptacles near or outside their front doors just for plastic bags, plastic wraps and plastic film such as dry cleaning

But please DON’T put these items in your curbside pickup buckets! PBS has a great little video that explains why:

Why you shouldn't recycle plastic bags at home

REMEMBER: It’s not that used, clean plastic bags, wraps and film can’t be recycled into new materials! They simply require a different collection system and processing equipment than many curbside recycling programs provide. So save them all and bring them next time you visit your favorite grocery store or Target, Walmart, JCPenney or Lowes.

About the author

Teresita Bastides-Heron editor

Teresita is the Vice President of Sustainable Lawrence, Lawrenceville, NJ nonprofit sustainability working in making Lawrence a sustainable town. SL has hosted a series of programs and evens to educate the community on sustainability. SL have had series of Community events like how to make a rain garden and the benefit of it, Rain garden workshop, community gardens, green fairs, SL in collaboration with the Lawrence Nature Center had celebrate Earth Day and is working with Public Works on the Organic waste recycle. Teresita is the President of the Greater Eldridge Park Neighborhood Association, a nonprofit which promote & preserve business growth & Community life in our neighborhood by enhancing its Diversity, Sustainability, Vitality, Beauty, History and Economic development.

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