While the heat outsides really starts to turn up we want to send a special #PlasticFreeJuly Shout Out the heroes/sheroes of our local retail world.

Thank you for believing in the power of change, and letting us bring our own bags. You are making a big difference for the environment!
Of course, our favorite Terhune where you can always earn a free apple or donut from bringing your own bag. We also want to call attention to some of our “bigger box” stores also have plastic-free friendly practices and are a welcome edition to our community.
- Wegmans
- Costco – no bags no nothing! Bring your own bag, or bag/box at at your car.
- Aldi’s – gives away no bags, so bring your own
- BJs
- Trader Joe’s
Our friends at the Mercer County Sustainability Coalition have been providing great updates on local programs. Be sure to follow their website and social media to stay connected. If you know someone who else deserves a #PlasticFreeJuly Shout Out? Amplify the shout out with your local #plasticfreeJuly heroes/sheroes!
Please join us as we raise our expand our actions and raise our voices and call for the NJ single-use plastics bill (banning plastic/paper bags, polystyrene food foam service containers, straws) that has been delayed long enough by the New Jersey Assembly. We understand that in recent months their attention has been rightfully diverted to the pandemic response. We need your help to encourage our legislators to do New Jersey’s part to end plastic pollution!
We ask our members and supporters to please take a minute to contact your legislators and urge them to support A1978 and to update it to match Senate Bill S864.
Find more information on ANJEC’s Alert Page.

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