Meeting Minutes
October 3, 2019
Attendance: Pam Mount, Teresita Bastides-Heron, Ed Frankel, Dana Irlbacher, Jori Fahrenfeld
Pam opened meeting at 7:05 p.m.
September meeting minutes were approved.
The NJ Clean Energy Workshop was attended by multiple members of our board. Dana presented about the program at HomeFront. For information visit http://www.mercercounty.org/work/economic-development/energy-resources
Discussed the energy retrofits offered by Sandra Torres – where there are some difficulties with the program following through. Encourage people to get the energy audit as a jumping off point.
We will not have a representative at this week’s ANJEC Environmental Congress which meets all day long and costs $75 each to attend.
Ed discussed the Let’s Move Lawrence Ralph Copleman Neighborhood Bike Ride this Sunday, October 6th at 10:30 starting at LIS. Thank yous to the township for also including the information in the community email.
Ed also spoke with MCIA about including shredded paper in recycling and other changes to be implemented with the recycling program.
Once again, Teresita will work at the SL Community Day table – among many others.
Pam followed through with our Sustainable Recertification – the information is not available yet.
We will be pre-celebrating at the Mercer Co Sustainability Coalition Potluck Party at the Watershed on November 22nd.
Inviting Lawrence twp municipal staff to work together with us towards getting gold.
Pam looked into Trex for collecting additional plastic for recycling.
Dana and Pam met with Laurie Emde to “pass the baton” of the Treasurer’s position. We have a PNC account for our Sustainable Lawrence funds; need to switch over the new signatory to Dana. Board authorization needed to remove Laurie as signatory and add Dana and Ed as signatories.
Dana will be reviewing our accounts and present a report at our next meeting and will also meet with our accountant.
Old Business: none
New Business: none
Next meeting is Thursday, November 7th at 7pm at Town Hall.
Meeting adjourned at 8:05 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Jori Fahrenfeld, Secretary
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