Day 7 – New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (NJBPU) Clean Energy Program – Commercial, industrial and Institutional (C,I & I) EE Program

Day 7 – New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (NJBPU) Clean Energy Program – Commercial, industrial and Institutional (C,I & I) EE Program

The NJBPU manages the state’s Clean Energy Program (NJCEP). The NJCEP provides incentives and rebates for residents and businesses to install energy equipment that is above the minimum energy code.  Typically, EE equipment may cost more than the minimum code required equipment/appliances.  The NJCEP incentive offsets a portion of this high cost to make the purchase and use of the EE equipment more cost effective.   See 

For C, I & I EE incentives and rebates See 

  1. Benchmarking provides a free assessment of your facility’s energy performance compared to similar facilities.  See 
  2. Local Government Energy Audit (LGEA) provides a free energy audit to local and state government agencies, state colleges and universities, and non-profit agencies, to identify cost-effective EE measures to improve the facility’s energy use.  See: 
  3. Smartstart Buildings provides rebates and incentives for energy equipment and includes a streamlined process to bundle multiple rebates in one project See: 
  4. Direct Install provides a free energy assessment to small and mid-sized businesses with a peak load less than 200 kW.  The program can provide up to 70% of the total project eligible costs. See: 
  5. Pay for Performance provides incentives for large business with peak loads greater then 200 kW to save up to 15% or more of their facility’s energy use and cost.  See:
  6. Combined Heat and Power provides incentive to develop and install on-site distributed energy system for electric power and heating to reduce a facility’s energy use and improve their resiliency. See:   

About the author

Ratna Wynn administrator

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