Day 4 – How much energy by type does the average NJ business use and the costs?

Day 4 – How much energy by type does the average NJ business use and the costs?

The approximate average annual commercial energy uses:

74,424 kWh of electricity costing $9,250 and emitting 39,370 pounds of CO2

7,031 therms of natural gas costing $6,174 emitting 79,818 pounds of CO2 

x gallons of diesel costing $x and emitting x pounds of CO2

The approximate average annual industrial uses:

620,442 kWh of electricity costing $62,479 and emitting 328,213 lbs of CO2

95,121 therms of natural gas costing $73,862 emitting 1,107,109 pounds of CO2 

y gallons of diesel costing $y and emitting y pounds of CO2

Energy tip: To reduce our energy use and its impacts from your business, starts with knowing how much energy we use.

For small businesses with an electric peak load less than 200 kW per month over 12 months the NJBPU Clean Energy Program offers a free energy estimate – See for more details 

For larger businesses  with loads greater than 200 kW per month the NJBPU Clean Energy Program offers a whole building approach with enhanced rebates based on total energy savings – See 

About the author

Ratna Wynn

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